Sunday Talk: “I See You.”

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, September 27, is “I See You.” Remember the movie from a few years ago, called Avatar? Their greeting to each other was, “I see you,” meaning “I see your true essence in this moment.” During the current situation in the world, how wonderful it would be if we took the time to truly “see” one another. Join me for a meaningful discussion on improving our “seeing.”
Join us for our morning meditation, led newly licensed practitioner Fran Watson, at 10:00 am, then our always incredible music, with Amy Bishop, Oliver Miguel and the CCSL band, will start right at 10:30.

The Board of Trustees and I are asking for your thoughts on re-opening the Centre to in-person services. lease bear in mind that if and when we open, all protocols and guidelines recommended by the province of Alberta will be followed (ie. distancing, limited seating, masks required, no touching, no group singing).

Rest assured, the live-streaming will continue as it is now, regardless of our decision.

With this in mind, please let us know your thoughts on re-opening. We are not looking for a debate or argument re: covid, masks, social distancing, etc. We just want to hear from our members about whether or not you would return under the current circumstances. Please to

Thank you in advance for your help! If you have already responded, please disregard.

Love and Miss you all!