Self Sabotage Course – 6 Weeks To Transformation
Self Sabotage Course - 6 Weeks To Transformation
Join Rev Douglas (Santa) Craig for his 6-week course Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 9:00 PM
$150, send your e-transfer to
In this course you will have the opportunity to:
- Learn how to uncover the hurt your anger is hiding.
- Experience how to manage anger.
- Work at validating feelings of hurt in a manner that leads to self empowerment and more inner peace.
- Understand and learn how to make the head/heart connection.
- Learn how to effectively use the 3 qualities of our mind.
- Understand and recognize the difference between core pain and circumstantial pain.
- Using the 3 No’s—No Justifying, No Blaming, and No Attachments to Outcomes
- Recognize how to read the signposts that Life (Spirit) provides to guide us, lead us, direct us and inspire us in decision making, choice selection, and directions, to go in our life.
- Understand how the 3-prong cycle of pain works and how to break the vicious cycle.
- Discover how to move beyond analysis and utilize the tool of observation to guide, lead, direct and inspire our decision making.
- How to reclaim your personal power and how to stop giving your personal power away to other people or conditions.
- Begin to understand how life moves forward in circles and why issues that have appeared to be dealt with recycle through our experience again.
- Working with the nature of the inner child, understanding inner conflict and turmoil and minimizing the impact of tough experiences and releasing the attachment to old wounds.
- Comparative 3: What we can have, what we are, what we can do versus what we can’t have, what we are not, and what we can’t do.
- Understanding the pendulum effect in our lives
- The power of a balanced mind in the 7 departments of life.
- Development and use of positive affirmations which reinforce the strengths and compensate for the weaknesses.