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Thank you for joining in the Divine Flow!
We appreciate your generosity and continuing support of the Calgary Centre for Spiritual Living!
Our community is made up of people who believe that there is an infinite source of abundance, goodness and possibilities available for everyone to create thriving, dynamic lives. Giving our time, talents, resources and service to others is a natural outcome of living our spiritual faith and practices. We believe that we live in a Universe of Abundance and as we give so to do we receive.
Your donations are vital, and are used to cover a multitude of expenses. These include: Sunday Meditation and Celebration; equipment, supplies, utilities, and services; spiritual and self-help courses; running, cleaning, and maintaining our building and property; website; book and gift store; paying staff, ministers, practitioners, musicians, teachers, and technicians; marketing; community events, workshops, conferences, outreach, environmental projects, and much more. Thank you again for helping us help individuals to reveal their spiritual magnificence and personal power, and co-create a world that works for everyone!