Sunday Talk – “Time Stood Still”

On October 1 Dr. Pat is back with a talk titled “Time Stood Still.” Join in as she shares a whole new relationship with “time” and its many forms, as a result of her recent vacation. Not a travelogue, but a huge “ah-ha.” The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Lucille Worone, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time. Then the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation! (featuring some of the best working musicians in Calgary) Our Lovestream (online live Service viewing) is available on our website, on FaceBook and our YouTube channel.

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Sunday Talk – “Better Together”

On September 24 our guest speaker is Spiritual Practitioner and Operations Manager of the Centre, Lance Rath with a talk titled “Better Together”. He will explore the benefits and importance of Connection in an Interconnected world and how that applies right here to our community at the Calgary Centre for Spiritual Living. The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Connie Chau, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time. Then the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation! (featuring some of the best working musicians in Calgary)

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Sunday Talk – “Lovely As a Tree”

For Sunday, September 3, the talk title is “Lovely As a Tree.” Many great literary pieces have been written about trees. The reason is…they are amazing metaphors for life. Join us on Sunday as we learn from the simplicity — and magnificence — of trees. Then join us as we begin the process of planting a “tiny forest” on our property. The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Lance Rath, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time. Then the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation (featuring some of the best working musicians in Calgary)!

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Sunday Talk -“Lookin’ For a Mind at Work”

For Sunday, September 3, in observance of the Labour Day holiday, Dr. Pat’s talk title will be “Lookin’ For a Mind at Work.” Whether we love our work or hate our work — it’s all a matter of mind. I will be sharing some tools to help condition our minds to love what we do — no matter what it is. The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Marjorie Contenti, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time. Then the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation (featuring some of the best working musicians in Calgary)!

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Sunday Talk – “Both/And”

For Sunday, August 27, Dr. Pat’s talk title is “Both/And.” We have been raised believing that we live in an either/or world. As we grow spiritually, we see that Life (with a capital L) isn’t limited to just two choices. We come to realize that we actually live in a “both/and” world. The possibilities are endless! The pre-service meditation, led by Dr. Heather Clark, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – “Give Me a Sign!”

Dr. Pat is just returning from a whirlwind and magical trip to one of her “heart” places, Asilomar (in California) and she is still processing so much! On Sunday, August 20, she’ll be speaking on “Give Me a Sign!” We are always asking for signs and guidance…but do we recognize them when they appear? It should make for a lively conversation! Dr. Pat will also be facilitating a Mandala Colouring Workshop that afternoon. We’ll learn a bit about the spiritual message of mandalas, then spend sometime colouring our own. Register by e-transfer at [email protected] or just come that day! The […]

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Sunday Talk “Question & Answer Part 2”

The talk for August 6, is “Question & Answer Part 2.” A month or so ago, Dr. Pat did a Question and Answer in lieu of a prepared talk! Members of the community wrote down questions, and she answered them spontaneously — without having seen them in advance. She wasn’t able to get to all the questions (because she tends to go down rabbit holes). We know this was a little disappointing to those who did not get their questions answered, so this Sunday, August 6, she will answer the rest — Question and Answer, Part Two. (And no, she hasn’t […]

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Sunday Talk : “Insert Title Here”

The talk for July 30, is “Insert Title Here.” Because she will be the final speaker at the Center for Spiritual Living’s upcoming SOAR retreat in California, Dr. Pat is going to use us as guinea pigs this week. With our indulgence, she is going to “practice” her talk on us this coming Sunday. We’ll get a sneak peak…and she’ll find out what works and what doesn’t. Thanks in advance for playing along! The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Darlene Chase, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk : “Awake, Alert, Aware, Enthusiastic!”

The talk by our very own staff minister Rev. Monika Krammer on July 23, is “Awake, Alert, Aware, Enthusiastic!” A question was asked at the recent Q&A with Dr. Pat: “How do you live the Science of Mind?” Well, Rev. Monika will shed some light on the matter. Be prepared to play along!!! The pre-service meditation, led by Spiritual Practitioner Sabrina Mauro, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk : “Can You Be More Specific?”

The talk for July 16, is “Can You Be More Specific?” In our teaching, we talk a lot about being specific about the things we would like to attract. But there is a possibility that we can be TOO specific and not give the Universe any room to work. I’ll be sharing a personal story that illustrates this. Also, it’s our Stampede BBQ after service that day! Catered by Big Ts BBQ for only $10! If you are planning on coming, please e-transfer $10 to [email protected]. If you need vegetarian or gluten-free, please specify (see what I did there?) The […]

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