Sunday Talk – “I Heart Science of Mind!”

The talk title for Sunday, February 16, is “I Heart Science of Mind!” In celebration of Valentine’s weekend, Dr. Pat is going to delve into her favourite book with “Pick a Page.” You, the community, will choose a page and paragraph from the Science of Mind, and Dr. Pat will speak to it, extemporaneously. In case this sounds boring or too much like school – have you met Dr. Pat? It promises to be interesting, insightful, spontaneous, and fun. Our meditation, facilitated by practitioner Gail Verdi, begins at 10:00 am MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music […]

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Sunday Talk – “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby”

Dr. Pat’s talk title is, “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby.” You might remember that phrase from an advertising campaign many years ago. It was true then…and it’s true now, as well. In the midst of all the confusion and chaos happening in the world, let’s choose to remember that we really have come a long way, baby. It should make for an interesting and insightful conversation. Our meditation, facilitated by Rev. Lesley McNamara, begins at 10:00 am MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! Our LoveStream (online live Service viewing) is available on our […]

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Sunday Talk – “I Don’t Know!”

Dr. Pat’s talk title for Sunday, January 26, is “I Don’t Know!” In this world of instant information at our fingertips, when is it acceptable to say “I don’t know?” Or is it ever acceptable to “not know”? As spiritual beings having this human experience, the answer is undoubtedly, yes! That’s why we are here! Join us as we explore the concept of being in the question. Our meditation, facilitated by practitioner Amy Bishop, begins at 10:00 am MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! Our LoveStream (online live Service viewing) is available on our […]

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Sunday Talk – “Vamp Until Ready”

Dr. Pat’s talk title for Sunday, January 19, is “Vamp Until Ready.” No, it doesn’t have anything to do with vampires. It is a musical term that describes one of the ways the Universe conspires to support us. It’s fun, interesting, and profound! And you don’t have to be a musician to understand it! Our meditation, facilitated by Rev. Doug Craig, begins at 10:00 am MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! Our LoveStream (online live Service viewing) is available on our website, on Facebook and our YouTube channel.

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Sunday Talk – “Traversing the Portals of Change”

The talk for Sunday, January 12, is “Traversing the Portals of Change” with Rev. Doug Craig. “Change can be gentle, demanding, OMG, WTF (What’s This For!), transformational or devastating at times. Change is natural, like the seasons of our life. No matter what kind of change, the event and drama unfolds and is managed in the basic portals of our mind. The process is always the same, however managing it is always in our domain.” Our meditation, facilitated by Rev. Marjorie Contenti, begins at 10:00 am MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! Our LoveStream […]

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Sunday Talk – “Imperfectly Perfect”

Dr. Pat’s talk title for Sunday, January 5, is “Imperfectly Perfect.” That title could just as easily be “Perfectly Imperfect,” because the message is the same. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we experience both the imperfectly perfect and also the perfectly imperfect. Join us on Sunday as we discuss this contrast more fully. Our meditation, facilitated spiritual practitioner Valda Harris, begins at 10:00 am MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! Our LoveStream (online live Service viewing) is available on our website, on Facebook and our YouTube channel.

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Sunday Talk – “A Burning Question”

Our talk title for Sunday, December 29, is “A Burning Question.” As we approach the end of the year and embark on a new one, you might be drawn to ask yourself some burning questions. Join Dr. Pat as we explore some of those questions…and then literally light a fire under them…in the form of a burning bowl ritual. Our morning meditation, facilitated licensed Spiritual Practitioner, Lance Rath, begins at 10:00 am MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! The LoveStream (online live Service viewing) is available on our website, on Facebook and our YouTube […]

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Sunday Talk – “Holiday Celebration!”

Come on down for Sunday, December 22, with our joyous community “Holiday Celebration!” filled with light and leave you feeling fulfilled and connected. A special group of our amazing Ministers and Practitioners will lead a Holiday Celebration that will simply be incomplete without your participation! Plus, Santa will make an appearance with the kids at FunDay! Then join us afterwards for a holiday potluck of sweet and salty snacks. Our morning meditation, facilitated by spiritual practitioner Fran Watson, begins at 10:00 am MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! Our LoveStream (online live Service viewing) […]

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Sunday Talk – “And the Word Is…”

Our talk title for Sunday, December 8, is, “And the Word Is…” A few weeks ago, Dr. Pat endeavoured to “refresh” three old-fashioned spiritual words and help clarify their relevance in today’s world. However, she only got to two of those words that day, and promised she would complete the list this week! It’s a timely one as we start to move into the holiday season of love, hope, and light. Our morning meditation, facilitated Rev. Darlene Chase, begins at 10:00 a.m MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! Our LoveStream (online live Service viewing) […]

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Sunday Talk – “How’s That Working For You?”

The talk title for Sunday, December 1, is “How’s That Working For You?” Join Dr. Heather Clark and Rev. Marjorie Contenti to discuss the challenges, the joys, and the significant choices of “retirement” that apply to every stage of a conscious life. Academically, neither of them has ever ‘flunked’ anything – but come and hear these overachievers get humble about the importance of making simple choices in order to create powerful major life changes. Our morning meditation, facilitated by Practitioner Sabrina Mauro, begins at 10:00 a.m MST, and our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with music by Elevation! Our LoveStream (online […]

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