Sunday Talk: The Metaphysical Twelve Days of Christmas

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday is “The Metaphysical Twelve Days of Christmas.” No matter your feelings about the well-known (never-ending) Christmas song, you are sure to enjoy this fun, interactive, metaphysical version of it. I promise you’ll learn something and be both inspired and entertained! Our morning meditation, led by Rev. Lesley McNamara, begins at 10:00 am (MST), then our always incredible music, with Amy Bishop, Oliver Miguel and the CCSL band, will start right at 10:30.

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Sunday Talk: A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, December 6, is “A Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.” We all know the story from the famous Peanuts cartoon. It’s sweet and heart-felt. Join me this Sunday as we find ways of bringing the same kind of Christmas joy to this “Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree” kind of year.

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Sunday Talk:Your Spiritual Resilience to Loneliness

The talk for Sunday, November 29, is “Your Spiritual Resilience to Loneliness,” with author and speaker Patricia Morgan. Mother Teresa said, “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” Join us for an exploration of the feeling of loneliness and how to use your own resilience to handle it. Using humour and insight, Patricia will teach you how to activate connection in these challenges times.

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Sunday Talk: Look Up

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, November 22, is “Look Up!” Ever since we were little kids, we were told to “look where you’re going,” and “look both ways.” Solid advice, for sure. On Sunday, we’re going to talk about the spiritual practice of “looking up,” literally. Raising our eyes from where we are, to where we could be. I promise it will be an “uplifting” conversation!

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Sunday Talk: Be Peace

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk title for Sunday, November 8, is “Be Peace.” We are living in turbulent times right now, and one of my regular affirmations is “Be Peace.” It reminds me to breathe and remember that there is something greater at work here (in spite of appearances) and I can trust it. I may not understand it with my level of awareness, but I can trust it. Please join me for a “peaceful” conversation, and an observance of Remembrance Day/Veterans Day. Join us for our morning meditation, led by Rev. Monika Krammer, at 10:00 am (MST), […]

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Sunday Talk: Things That Go Bump in the Night

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. So, once again, I have changed my mind about my talk for tomorrow. Considering it is the day after Halloween, the Full Moon, and is “All Saint’s Day,” my intuition is telling me to talk about overcoming fear. Seems appropriate these days, right? So tomorrow, “Things That Go Bump In the Night,” is the talk title. Am I scared to switch mid-stream? Yes. But I know better than to argue with both the muses and my intuition. They are in cahoots. Meditation with Lance Rath at 10:00. Sunday celebration begins at 10:30.

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Sunday Talk: Life is a Circle

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, October 25, is “Life is a Circle.” One of the things I love most about our teaching is what we teach about eternal life. It is absolutely uplifting and “life-affirming.” Join me on Sunday for a fun (really!), interesting, positive conversation about life and death. Join us for our morning meditation, led by practitioner Pheli Dlamini, at 10:00 am, then our always incredible music, with Amy Bishop, Oliver Miguel and the CCSL band, will start right at 10:30.

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two figure connecting

Sunday Talk: Talk to Me

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk title for Sunday, October 18, is “Talk to Me.” I have found lately, that some people are so invested in their opinions, that they are unwilling to hear different ideas or beliefs. And yet, different ideas, when shared, can lead to greater understanding and open-mindedness. It adds to the tapestry of life! And never was it more important than it is right now. Join us for our morning meditation, led by Rev. Darlene Chase, at 10:00 am, then our always incredible music, with Amy Bishop, Oliver Miguel and the CCSL band, will start […]

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Sunday Talk: Happy Thanks Giving

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. Mystic Meister Eckhart wrote, “If the only prayer you ever said in your life was ‘thank you,’ it would suffice. This weekend is Canadian Thanksgiving! I love that I get to celebrate gratitude twice every year! Or maybe…twice every day? Join me for a joy-filled morning of gratitude and thanks giving (and thanks LIVING). Join us for our morning meditation, led by one of our amazing ministers or practitioners, at 10:00 am, then our always incredible music, with Amy Bishop, Oliver Miguel and the CCSL band, will start right at 10:30.

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Sunday Talk: Surprise!

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, October 4, is “Surprise!” I actually mean that literally. I am going away for a couple of days, and am going to allow the Universe to inform my decision as to what to talk about. It will a surprise for all of us! Join us for our morning meditation, led newly licensed practitioner Sabrina Mauro, at 10:00 am, then our always incredible music, with Amy Bishop, Oliver Miguel and the CCSL band, will start right at 10:30.

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