Sunday Talk: We Are One – A Calgary Pride Week event

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk on Sunday, August 30, is “We Are One.” Probably the most fundamental aspect of our teaching is that we are all equal and part of each other — regardless of religion, education, race, gender, nationality, or sexual preference. At the same time, each of us is a unique expression of the Divine and here to live our individual lives in our own way. (It may sound like a contradiction, but it isn’t.) Join me for our Pride celebration, where everyone’s unique gifts, talents, and expressions are acknowledged and recognized. Plus, we have a […]

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Sunday Talk: I Have a Choice

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk title for Sunday, August 23, is, “I Have a Choice.” In challenging times like what we are experiencing, it sometimes feels as if we don’t have a lot of choices. For “free thinking” people like us, it can be difficult. Yet, the fact is, we always have a choice… It’s one of the most basic of spiritual truths. The morning meditation at 10:00 will be provided by Rev. Marjorie Contenti. And our always incredible music, with Amy and the gang, will start right at 10:30.

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Sunday Talk: When the Student is Ready

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk on Sunday, August 16, is “When the Student is Ready.” There is a well-known spiritual phrase: “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.” Many of us have experienced this phenomenon, and it is life changing. Join me as we break the phrase down more, and discover it actually goes both ways! The morning meditation at 10:00 will be provided by practitioner Pheli Dlamini. And our always incredible music, with Amy and the gang, will start right at 10:30.

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Sunday Talk: I Don’t Wanna!

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, August 9, is “I Don’t Wanna!” Sometimes, when we are presented with a practice or suggestion that would be good for us, our initial reaction is to say, “I don’t wanna.” And yet, when we do it, things change for the better. Join me for a conversation of one such practice, and how it can truly be “life changing.” Plus, Rev. Darlene Chase will be providing the meditation and Spiritual Mind Treatment. And of course, our always amazing music with the CCSL band.

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Sunday Talk: My Five Year Plan

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, August 2, is “My Five Year Plan.” So many of us have one, two, and five year plans, as taught by coaches and businesses for years. So, what happens when your five year plan gets interrupted by a 100-year pandemic? We’ll take a light-hearted look at how to stay focused, even in the midst of unexpected challenges. Plus, practitioner Lance Rath will be providing the meditation and Spiritual Mind Treatment. And of course, our always amazing music with the CCSL band.

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Sunday Talk: I Am a Part of IT

Hi all. The talk title for Sunday, July 26, is “I Am a Part of IT.” In order for us to belong, we have to learn that it is not happening on a whim, but rather, by a Law that is set in motion by each individual. Therefore, can we look at what is happening right now as the best thing that ever happened to us?     Join Rev. Monika Krammer as she explores the path from fear to Love, in an orderly but somewhat messy way.   Plus, practitioner Amy Bishop will be providing the meditation, in addition […]

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Sunday Talk: An Antidote to Judgment

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, July 19, is “An Antidote to Judgment.” As the world continues to be so divided, we can spend a lot of time in judgment of others. Unfortunately, this is a pretty “low vibration” place to be. Join me as we discuss an antidote that will raise the vibration — personally and collectively. Another surefire antidote to the times is the music of our amazing CCSL band! We are so blessed!

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Sunday Talk: The Five Laws of Life

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk for Sunday, July 12, is “The Five Laws of Life.” In our teaching, we talk a lot about spiritual laws (Cause and Effect, Attraction, Compensation) that help us navigate our spiritual lives. This Sunday, however, we are going to look at five “life” laws that will help us navigate our every day world, as well. One indisputable law is that we have amazing music at the Centre. “The” band will be in the house, featuring Amy Bishop, Oliver Miguel, and the rest-all on Livestream! Plus, be sure to join us for our Stampede […]

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Sunday Talk: Free to Be

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk on Sunday, July 5, is “Free to Be.” There is so much talk these days about freedom (including the two national holidays this week). On Sunday, we will look at the idea from a spiritual/metaphysical standpoint, in order to more fully exercise our God-given freedoms. “The” band will be in the house, and the morning meditation will be facilitated by Rev. Marjorie Contenti.

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Sunday Talk: Love is Love

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My topic for Sunday, June 28, is “Love is Love.” As our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, wrote, “Love is the grandest healing and drawing power on earth.” Join me as we revel in that grand, healing power.   You will also have the opportunity to witness the marriage of two of our wonderful members, Ron Hahn and his beloved, David Vallee, during the service! How special! In addition, the band will be in the house, and the morning meditation will be facilitated by Licensed Spiritual Practitioner Tracey Peterson.

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