Sunday Talk – How… Usual

The topic for Sunday, July 3, is “How Usual.” As we grow in consciousness and awareness, we just naturally find that there is more to see and experience in the world. It isn’t magic. It’s…usual. Join me on Sunday for a fun discussion on this, plus a very sweet surprise ceremony! The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Darlene Chase, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation! We suggest Subscribing to our YouTube Channel, then you can access all the Sunday talks from the past many years!

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Sunday Talk – What’s In Your Cup?

The talk for Sunday, June 26, is “What’s in Your Cup?” I recently learned an analogy, using the contents of a cup, that can help explain how life “shows up” for us. I am looking forward to exploring the idea with you on Sunday. Plus, it’s also the day of our Stamp-Anada BBQ, right after service. Music by AMY BISHOP! If you do plan to attend and want gluten free or vegan, please email [email protected] and let us know. The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Marjorie Contenti, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 […]

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Sunday Talk – Father Knows Best?

The talk for Sunday is “Father Knows Best?” Most people in my generation grew up with a TV show called Father Knows Best. The problem is, many of us didn’t have that kind of idyllic relationship with our dads. Many of our relationships with our fathers were…complicated. Join me on Sunday as we explore that complicated relationship…and celebrate it for what it was. The pre-service meditation, led by the Spiritual Practitioner, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – Our Highest Good Possible

The talk for Sunday, June 12, is “Our Highest Good Possible.” Rev. Monika Krammer will be exploring the relationship with our inner connection to our Source. The miracle of surrender brings forth a deeper acceptance that we are Whole. When we understand that our Source is for us and not against us, we can breathe easier. Experiences suddenly change their flavour and life is good! The pre-service meditation, led by Spiritual Practitioner Fran Watson, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – Know That You Know!

The talk for Sunday, June 5, is “Know That You Know.” We had quite a lively conversation last Sunday, based on some passages from the Science of Mind text, chosen by members of the community. One quote, in particular, felt unfinished to me. In other words, I still have lots more to say on the topic. Therefore, this Sunday’s talk will be a deeper dive into the idea of “claiming what you know!” The pre-service meditation, led by Spiritual Practitioner Lance Rath, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – A Mystery…

The talk for Sunday, May 29, is “A Mystery.” Actually, we mean that literally. Dr. Pat is attending a seminar this coming weekend and won’t have her normal talk prep time. So we are going to do “Pick a Page,” which means YOU determine what the talk will be! Someone will “pick a page” from the Science of Mind, then someone else will “pick a paragraph.” Then she will speak on that section of the book. It’s super fun, interesting, and you never know what might come out of Dr. Pat’s mouth! (When do you ever…?) The pre-service meditation, led […]

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Sunday Talk – The ABCs of Spiritual Living Concludes

This Sunday, May 22, we conclude our series of talks on the ABCs of Spiritual Living — with the letters U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. The talks have been based on a children’s book called A New Alphabet for Humanity, written by Leesa McGregor. It has been so fun to look at these letters from both a child’s and grown-ups eyes and hearts. Please join us as we finish up the alphabet with some insights and good humour! The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Amy Bishop, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at […]

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Sunday Talk Part III – The ABCs of Spiritual Living

This Sunday, May 15, we continue with our series, The ABCs of Spiritual Living, Part 3. We have been having a great time exploring the alphabet from a metaphysical/spiritual point of view. The talks are based on a children’s book called A New Alphabet for Humanity, written by Leesa McGregor. The book may be for children but the lessons transcend age and maturity. This coming week, we’ll look at O P Q R S T. (PS, they’re not always what you think!) The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Lesley McNamara, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration […]

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Sunday Talk – Part II, The ABCs of Spiritual Living cont’d…

We had a blast this past Sunday with Part 1 of the ABCs of Spiritual Living. We looked at the first 7 letters of the alphabet and assigned spiritual, life-affirming explanations to them. This Sunday, May 8, we’ll continue with “The ABCs of Spiritual Living, Part 2” with the letters H I J K L M N. I’m pretty sure some of them will include a mention of mothers… The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Marjorie Contenti, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – The ABCs of Spiritual Living

The talk title for Sunday, May 1, is “The ABC’s of Spiritual Living.” Sometimes, it seems like living an awakening & spiritual life is complex and complicated. What if it were as easy as learning our ABC’s? Join me for the month of May as we re-discover the alphabet — from a spiritual point of view. This week: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. The pre-service meditation, led by Practitioner Ron Hahn, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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