Sunday Talk – Embrace The Now

The talk title for Sunday, March 13, is “Embrace The Now (But What If the Now Is a Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day?)” Boy, that doesn’t sound very spiritual! Or does it? Join me and two very special guests for an enlivening, fun, interesting exploration on this topic. The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Ron Hahn, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation! We are open to in-person attendance! We ask that people do what is comfortable for them, ie. if you feel like wearing a mask, […]

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Sunday Talk – Life Keeps Showing Up

The talk title for Sunday, March 6, is “Life Keeps Showing Up.” Sometimes, when we embark on a new, positive path, we think that everything is going to completely change, right away. Yet the truth is, life keeps going on as it has. What changes is us — how we see things, how we react to things, what we do when things happen. We’re going to talk about some of the tools available to us when “life keeps showing up.” The pre-service meditation, led by licensed Spiritual Practitioner Lance Rath, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration […]

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Sunday Talk – Ah, Sweet Mystery

The talk for Sunday, February 27, is “Ah, Sweet Mystery.” During these challenging times, I feel like I’ve spent far too much time/energy focusing on things that seem broken. I recently read a poem that reminded me to instead focus on the simple mysteries that are all around us. Join me on Sunday for a mind-expanding conversation on this. The pre-service meditation, led by Spiritual Practitioner Valda Harris, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation! We continue to be open for in-person attendance! We are masking and distancing this […]

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Sunday Talk – “This is the Way”

The talk for Sunday, February 20, is “This Is the Way.” One of my crushes over the past couple of years has been The Mandalorian, which is part of the Star Wars lore. They use the phrase “This is the way” like we use “And so it is.” The challenge becomes when we are so entrenched in “our” way, we can’t even fathom someone else’s way may be just as important to them. Join me for a lively conversation on resolve versus flexibility. The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Gail Verdi, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday […]

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Sunday Talk – Love Me Tender

The topic for Sunday, February 13, is “Love Me Tender.” Every mid-February, I have an internal debate about whether to do a football talk (in honour of the Super Bowl) or a love talk (in honour of Valentine’s Day). This year I landed on the side of love — specifically loving compassion, for ourselves and others. The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Darlene Chase, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – Stand Guard

This coming Sunday, February 6, the talk is “Stand Guard.” As some of you know, I contracted Covid-19 a few weeks ago, which caught me by surprise. “How could this happen to ME?” Fortunately, the answer made itself known as I sat with the question. I’ll be sharing my insights and “ah-ha’s” on Sunday. (Yes, even the Spiritual Director gets ah-ha’s) The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Lesley McNamara, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – What It Does

Well, the third time’s the charm. After being postponed twice because the virus found me, this Sunday, January 30, we will conclude our “back to basics” with “What It Does.” As you may be aware, we’ve been covering the first four chapters of the Science of Mind text and boy, has it been rich! Rev. Lesley did a great job this past Sunday explaining, “How To Use It,” which is actually the final chapter. However, I still have lots to say on the topic! The pre-service meditation, led by Practitioner Fran Watson, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the […]

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Sunday Talk : What IT Does

This Sunday, January 23, we continue with our “back to basics” We’ve been covering the first four chapters of the Science of Mind text and boy, has it been rich! This week, we will be talking about “What It Does.” The “It” in this instance is the Universe (aka God, Spirit, Life, Love, etc.), and what It does will astound you! The pre-service meditation, with Spiritual Practitioner and Minister, Rev. Monika Krammer, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk: “The Way It Works”

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. During the month of January, we are “Going Back to Basics”,by basing the talks on the first four chapters of the Science of Mind text. Last week, we did “The Thing Itself.” On Sunday, January 9, we’ll do “The Way It Works.” This is juicy stuff, folks! I hope you join us either in-person (masked and distanced) or online with the lovestream! The pre-service meditation, with Spiritual Practitioner Valda Harris, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk: “To Go Boldly…”

This coming Sunday, December 26, we are fortunate to have guest speaker Rev. Lesley McNamara support you “To Go Boldly…” It’s one thing to simply go about your life and then another thing entirely to go into it BOLDLY. Be bold with us this Sunday! Join us online or in-person where all are welcome (as long as you wear a mask). The pre-service meditation, also with Lesley McNamara, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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