Sunday Talk – It’s Perfect! (or not.)

The talk title for Sunday, November 20, is “It’s Perfect! (Or Not.)” One of the cornerstones of our teaching is that we are “perfect, whole, and complete.” That is absolutely true — on a spiritual level. What about when our human perfection is less than perfect? Let’s have a conversation about that, shall we? The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Monika Krammer, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – Remember Me”

Hi all. Dr. Pat here. My talk title for this Sunday, November 13, is “Remember Me.” We will start out by honouring those who gave their lives in service to the country, with a very special Remembrance Day observance. Then we will have a conversation about immortality, which is one of the cornerstones of our teaching. It promises to be meaningful, interesting, and believe it or not, a bit of fun. The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Marjorie Contenti, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – “This Is Love”

Dr. Ernest Holmes wrote, “Love is the grandest healing and drawing power on earth.” At times like these, nothing is more important than spreading and receiving love wherever and whoever we are. Join me on Sunday as we talk about some practices to “up-level” our love. Also remember to “Fall Back” on Saturday night or you’ll be an hour early on Sunday (gasp!). Don’t worry, we’ll find something for you to do! The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Sabrina Mauro, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – Things That Go Bump in the Night

It’s the Sunday before Halloween, so we’ll be looking, not only at the history of the holiday, but also gaining some insights as to where some of our fears come from. Please join us, and wear a costume if you’d like! Funday is having a special Halloween party, too, so bring the kids! The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Darlene Chase, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – I Appreciate You

The talk on Sunday, October 16, is “I Appreciate You.” If you are a fan of the award-winning TV show Ted Lasso, you know that part of his management style is telling people, “I appreciate you.” Not only is it an effective tool for managing people, it is also an effective way to live your life. Join us on Sunday as we talk about the spiritual practice of appreciation. It’s also the final day of our Winter Coats R Us program. Please remember to bring your used, clean winter coats for the Drop-In Centre and Making Changes. The pre-service meditation, […]

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Sunday Talk : Every Brilliant Thing — Part Two

Several weeks ago, Dr. Pat did a talk called “Every Brilliant Thing,” about appreciating the things that make life worth living. Because this is Thanksgiving Weekend, we are going to re-visit that topic — using several examples provided by our community! Join us on Sunday for “Every Brilliant Thing — Part Two,” and get a dose of gratitude! And don’t forget to bring your winter coats for donation! The pre-service meditation, led by Spiritual Practitioner Lance Rath, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!  

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Sunday Talk – Bring Your Question!

Dr. Pat is just getting back from a wonderful vacation and an awesome board retreat on Friday. As a result, she’ll be doing Q & A as her talk for Sunday, October 2. That said, you will determine what we talk about, as you’ll get the opportunity to ask whatever question you have — regarding the teaching, the Centre, or any of your other metaphysical/spiritual ponderings. Now, you know she can go off on tangents, so she may not get to every question, however, it’s always fun, interesting, and insightful. And don’t forget to bring your winter coats for donation! The […]

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Sunday Talk – Mind Control 101

The topic for Sunday, September 25, is “Mind Control 101 – Cult or Cultured?” Just reading the words Mind Control can send us running…. Remember (or research) the 1950’s Secret Government programs for Brainwashing citizens. Science of Mind teaches how to think not what to think…. Maybe this form of mind control is what “change your thinking, change your life” is all about! Join Reverend Lesley McNamara as she explores ideas around Mind Control and what the heck it is and isn’t! The pre-service meditation, led by a Spiritual Practitioner, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 […]

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Sunday Talk – It Takes A Village

The topic for Sunday, September 18, is “It Takes a Village.” This is an exciting day for our community! We will celebrate our six newest spiritual practitioners, plus honour all of our ministers and practitioners who serve the Centre. They are the spiritual backbone of our community and we are so grateful! Plus, we are celebrating our 5 year anniversary of being in our wonderful spiritual home on Manitoba Road! Light lunch and cake after the service! Everyone is welcome! The pre-service meditation, led by a Spiritual Practitioner , begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts […]

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Sunday Talk – “Every Brilliant Thing”

Dr. Pat’s talk title for this coming Sunday is “Every Brilliant Thing”. On this 21st anniversary of 9/11, join her in an exploration of the many, many amazing, brilliant things in the world. Knowing what we know about consciousness, what we “praise” we “raise.” The pre-service meditation, led by Spiritual Practitioner (and Board President) Valda Harris, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time, and the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation!

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