Sunday Talk – “Say Ahhhhhh!”

Dr. Pat’s talk for Sunday, August 4, is “Say Ahhhhhh!” Now, we could spend the whole morning looking at cute babies and animals, and saying “ahhhhhh.” However, it is actually a universal sound that is profoundly spiritual. Join us as we learn how many words we use today actually invoke the name of Spirit. The meditation, facilitated by Rev. Darlene Chase, begins at 10:00 am MDT And our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with Elevation!

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Sunday Talk – “Right Knowing”

Dr. Pat’s talk title for Sunday, July 28, is “Right Knowing.” Have you ever known something – not because you learned it or someone told it to you, but because you just “knew?” Not only is it a form of intuition (which we discussed a few weeks ago), but it is also the basis of our form of prayer, Spiritual Mind Treatment. Join Dr. Pat in a deeper dive into spiritual knowing. The meditation, facilitated by Rev Douglas Craig, begins at 10:00 a.m MDT And our Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 with Elevation! Our LoveStream (online live Service viewing) is available […]

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Sunday Talk – “You Choose!”

Dr. Pat’s talk title for Sunday, July 21, is “You Choose.” And we mean that literally. Dr. Pat will be doing “pick a page,” which means you choose the page and paragraph from the Science of Mind text, and she will speak on it – spontaneously. It’s always fun, interesting, and inspiring to see how Spirit guides the morning. The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Fran Watson, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time. Then the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation! (featuring some of the best working musicians in Calgary).

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Sunday Talk – “AFGO”

Dr. Pat’s talk title for Sunday, July 14, is “AFGO.” This acronym has been around for years, so if you know what it means, you know what the talk will be about. If you don’t know what it means, feel free to come on Sunday morning and find out. Suffice it to say it’s a great metaphor for life! The pre-service meditation, led by practitioner Gail Verdi, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time. Then the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation! (featuring some of the best working musicians in Calgary).

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Sunday Talk – “If At First You Don’t Succeed”

Dr. Pat’s talk title for Sunday, July 7, is “If At First You Don’t Succeed…” We all know how the old adage goes: “try, try again.” There is wisdom to that, for sure. However, what if we shifted our idea of what success means? And what if we are already there? Join us for an interesting conversation on the real meaning of success. The pre-service meditation, led by Rev. Monika Krammer, begins at 10:00 am Mountain Time. Then the Sunday Celebration starts at 10:30 am with music by Elevation! (featuring some of the best working musicians in Calgary). Our LoveStream […]

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